Established in 2018 Rowan Tree has delivered a wide range of products from historic to contemporary works. Our commitment to quality, exceptional services and incomparable customer care keep our community coming back again and again.
We never stop improving, and will continue to expand our offerings based on how we can best serve Rockland County and the New York City area.
Get in touch with us to learn how Rowan Tree Craftsman can help you.
Nick Turner
founder & owner

Born and raised in the greater Boston area I have a love for classic New England architecture from the brown stones of Beacon Hill to the salt boxes of Cape Cod. This love for historic American structures lead me to study Preservation Carpentry at the oldest trades school in the country, The North Bennet Street School. Understanding the building techniques from the 16th through the 21st century is a huge support for me to reference as I navigate my work.
From the clinched nail Paul Revere door to the super contemporary kitchen at 1 River road I feel confident RTC can help you.